An aspiring actress is forced to question the lengths she will go to on her quest to be seen.
This film is currently being submitted to film festivals.
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Starring Grace Parry, Christopher Dane and Lewis Chance. Written, Directed and Produced by Grace Parry.
'Outsiders' showcases Grace's voice as a Writer and Filmmaker and is based on her own experiences within the film industry.
'The truth is never simple, but 'Outsiders' is my way of offering up a piece of my own'. -Grace
Directors statement:
'Outsiders' follows the life of an actress desperate to find her place is the world. It carries the message that beneath everything, we all just want to be seen.
'Outsiders' showcases Grace's voice as a Writer and Filmmaker and is based on her own experiences within the film industry.
'The truth is never simple, but 'Outsiders' is my way of offering up a piece of my own'. -Grace
Directors statement:
'Outsiders' follows the life of an actress desperate to find her place is the world. It carries the message that beneath everything, we all just want to be seen.